

Through your donation you can help the Alliance for Vulnerable Mission carry out its work – equipping people for vulnerable cross-cultural service through research and publications, speaking engagements and training. We highly appreciate any support, big or small, once-off or regular.

How to send your donation

Donate using paypal

Send your donation via

Donate via bank transfer

(Our bank is in Germany. We accept donations internationally.)

Account holder: Allianz für Verletzliche Mission e. V.
Bank: KD-Bank
IBAN: DE11350601902500029016
Reference: Your name and contact details

Donations receipt for tax purposes

People based in Germany will receive such a receipt at the beginning of each year. We will soon be offering the same service for donors from the UK and US.

Want to support a particular individual?

The Alliance for Vulnerable Mission to date doesn’t employ people. Nevertheless, some on the Executive and Governing Board (Deborah Bernhard, Jim Harries and Marcus Grohmann) work full-time for the cause of Vulnerable Mission and live off personal support. If you would like to make a once-off or regular donation to any of them, please reach out through an email to