Past webinars
Dr. Natalie Leisher
The whens and hows of language learning as basis for fruitful cross-cultural ministry
Dr. Tamie Davis
Truth in contextual ministry
Relative, different or expanded?
Andy McCullough
Demons come back
Why we’re sometimes not as humble as we think we are, and how God can help us to do better
Craig Greenfield
A framework for under- standing your role as an Outsider
Discover your Missional Type
Jean Johnson
We are not the Hero …
Common missionary traps and ways to avoid them, in order to share Christ, not a culture of dependency
Ute & Frank Paul
Sowing hope in vulnerability
Incarnational ministry in an unchurched, economically deprived, multicultural neighbourhood in an East-German town
Dr. Daniel Albert
Vulnerability in cross-cultural ministry
Working amongst the Chinese
Brad Mashburn
Generosity as an obstacle to missionary work
Learning to be generous without being a patron
Deborah Bernhard
Towards renewal from the inside out
Using vulnerable mission to help Buddhists follow Jesus
Gerrit van Dijk
Being vulnerable & embracing your neighbourhood
Church planting in a post- socialist, post-modern labourers’ area in North-East Germany
Request session link via email.